Viaticum Press International

There Were Heroes Then Cover

There Were Heroes Then
By Francis Baumli
Publisher: Baby Buddha Press

Price: $25.00
ISBI: BBP 001 05 9002 1948

Hardcover (Deluxe Casebound)
Price: $50.00
ISBI: BBP 001 05 9002 1948

The foremost hero of this children’s book is a horse named Nobility. Unlike the hero of Black Beauty, the horse in this future classic is white, he is a warhorse, and the setting takes place in the olden days of war-torn Europe. The book’s title tells the theme, and the description on the back cover sums up the story as, “A children’s tale about a white horse, a young soldier, a king, a princess, and a happy ending.”

This is a work of literature which appeals to people of all ages. There is adventure mostly, a touch of magic, and much romance. Also there is that provocative quote on the back cover by the eminent aesthetician, Arthur Berndtson: “In the beginning was the act and not the word.” After you read this book, you will realize that this statement is not enigmatic at all; it is entirely true.

This little tome not only entertains, it also inspires. In the words of Vanessa Vyvyanne du Pré, “In my opinion this book has a prose style as well wrought as any ever written. In a short novel of only 13,000 words, you encounter an epic that, despite the battles and tumult, is as beautiful as a flower. Take up and read. This book will purify your soul.”

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